Sean Softley
The Siren Isn't How An Angel Should Sing
I love road trips. Travelling by train, plane or on foot is great, but nothing beats the sense of freedom that you get in a car. The moment you get out on the open road and realize that you can go anywhere at anytime regardless of tickets, schedules or tracks is wonderfully liberating.
Read on for a sample chapter of "The Luthier." Visit for more information and to find a copy in print or on your e-reader.
We had been wandering the streets for hours and the light was becoming liquid and golden by time we made our way back down from Montmartre to the Seine.
There is something about the streets of Paris that makes it seem as though they lead you everywhere and nowhere at the same time.
It was late when we finally made our way across Paris in search of a genuine absinthe bar. Our day had been a full one, but every step of the day seemed to lead toward a late night of cocktails in a dimly lit cafe...
I have always wanted to experience a proper Parisian absinthe tasting. It's been on my bucket list for a very long time...
Even the busiest person can write if they schedule themselves effectively and are determined to stick with it.
In no particular order, here are my 10 best strategies to refocus myself to write:
By far the most common question I am asked when people find out that I'm an author is: "how do you find time to write?"
The short answer is: I don't find the time, I make it.
The Catacombs of Paris are an incredible experience steeped in history. Mysterious, atmospheric, and sprawling, The Catacombs have housed everything from the dead of Paris to fine wine cellars to classical music concerts, resistance fighters and even an illegal movie theatre...